In 2024 our expert tutors and accompanists will join Artistic Director Malcolm Martineau and Patron Ann Murray for the 43rd year of Oxenfoord International. Please click on names below for individual biographies and see the Advanced Classes and Classes page for class descriptions/repertoire requirements. Although we expect classes and tutors to be as listed, we reserve the right to make changes as necessary.
John Mark Ainsley OBE Masterclass
Lorna Anderson Cantata & Baroque, Solo Oratorio Ensembles
Richard Berkeley-Steele Voice Lesson
Robin Bowman French Mélodie, Song Cycle
Susan Bullock CBE Masterclass
Joan Busby Enjoy your singing
Christine Cairns Voice Lesson
Karen Cargill Masterclass
David Cowan Opera Coaching
Jacquie Crago Acting for Singers, Song Cycle
Sarah-Jane Davies Auditions
Allyson Devenish Opera Coaching
Fiona Dobie Voice and Presence
Dave Doidge Opera Coaching, Musical Theatre
Sarah Fox Concert Repertoire
Matteo Dalle Fratte Song Cycle, Sung Italian
Judith Howarth Masterclass
Audrey Hyland Auditions, Vocal Coaching
Richard Jackson Take the Lied, Solo Lieder Ensembles
Professor Janis Kelly Masterclass, Stage an Opera Aria
Wilma MacDougall Voice Lesson
Dr Patricia MacMahon Scots Song, Voice Lesson
Malcolm Martineau Art Song
Donald Maxwell Performance Matters, Opera Scenes
Ann Murray DBE: Masterclass
Linda Ormiston Cabaret, Opera Scenes
Dylan Perez American Song
Martin Pickard Opera Coaching, Opera Scenes
Steve Phillips Auditions
Jo Ramadan Oxenfoord Choir, Vocal Coaching
Asier Rodriguez Saiz Song Cycle
Kate Royal Performance Practice
Sergey Rybin Russian Song, Song Cycle
Ingrid Sawers Effective Learning Techniques, Song Cycle
Russell Smythe Voice Lesson
Nicky Spence OBE Masterclass, Public Masterclass
Richard Stokes Lieder
Susanna Stranders Opera Coaching
Ian Tindale Female Composers, Song Cycle
Alice Turner Vocal Coaching, Song Cycle
William Vann English Song, Opera Scenes
Marc Verter Accompanists & Duos
Duncan Williams Opera Coaching, Playing Opera Reductions
Catherine Wyn-Rogers Late Romantic, Oratorio